Not long ago, a dear old friend asked me "How is Mix Tape Girls cooking?" To which I simply smiled and said, "uh...."
Albeit in good faith MTG makes dishes with recipes pulled from the net and some that her friends give her. It's hit or miss, most of the time miss. Though I'll give to her that she makes killer pork chops.
Tonight's menu was tortilla soup. Or as I'll put it, boiled chicken with chicken broth, cheese and tortilla chips, unflavored.
As we ate this flavorless dish, we both sat and looked at each other. It looked ok, but we took bites and smiled our, (Ewwww...WTF) smiles. Seeing as she had her heart set on this dish I complemented that it was mmmm..mmm...good.
And now, several hours later, my stomach is rebelling against me. MTG feeling sick, already going to bed, and me sitting here trying to keep the food down, drinking copious amounts of Malox and water. And putting music on my mp3 player. My head is pounding, my sight is slightly blurry, and my mouth watering like it does before I vomit.
Why I decided to blog about this I have no idea. Guess I'm just trying to take my mind off my stomach. Let's hope this is the last foray into Tortilla Soup land.
Off to kiss the porcelain seat I go. Think I'm calling in tomorrow.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Let Them Eat Cake
See here a picture. It's the last friggin piece of wedding cake that we have. Thank God!! Normally we'd be over joyed to be showing your our last piece of wedding cake. But the truth is finally it's gone. Hurray!!!!
See this is the one left over that you're supposed to eat on your first anniversary, which we did. Now I should note one of our friends made the cake and it was to die for. So moist and soft, and full of gooey goodness. It was a delicious cake. It just wasn't really delicious after sitting in the freezer for a year and then getting defrosted.
We ate some of it during our anniversary and I thought, we'd throw away the rest. Boy was I wrong. Here's Mix Tape Girl's thinking. "We should eat every last piece of this cake. It's special." Me: "I don't think it'll take to being re-frozen again." MTG: "Sure it will". Me: "But it's all dry and icky now." MTG: "What you don't like our wedding cake?" Me: "Yeah it was great when it was fresh and less than a year old". MTG: "But it's ours. It has history we have to eat it." Me: "No we don't" MTG: mad stare... Me: "Uh...." MTG: "WE HAVE TO EAT IT....ALL". Me: "Give me the Saran Wrap."
So thusly we have been munching on this cake since our anniversary a few months ago. And now we are both overjoyed to be done with the thing. This final piece has been sitting in the fridge for about a week since last being thawed out for the....oh..I'd say 7th time. Needless to say it was hard and cruchie and the frosting was atrocious. But, here it is folks for you're viewing pleasure. This last damn piece of cake. Naturally as any loving husband, I let Mix Tape Girl have the last piece of this horrid 7 times defrosted cake.

FYI: Mix Tape Girl's response after eatting the last piece. "That tasted like crap. Why didn't we toss?"
I told you so. ^_^
See this is the one left over that you're supposed to eat on your first anniversary, which we did. Now I should note one of our friends made the cake and it was to die for. So moist and soft, and full of gooey goodness. It was a delicious cake. It just wasn't really delicious after sitting in the freezer for a year and then getting defrosted.
We ate some of it during our anniversary and I thought, we'd throw away the rest. Boy was I wrong. Here's Mix Tape Girl's thinking. "We should eat every last piece of this cake. It's special." Me: "I don't think it'll take to being re-frozen again." MTG: "Sure it will". Me: "But it's all dry and icky now." MTG: "What you don't like our wedding cake?" Me: "Yeah it was great when it was fresh and less than a year old". MTG: "But it's ours. It has history we have to eat it." Me: "No we don't" MTG: mad stare... Me: "Uh...." MTG: "WE HAVE TO EAT IT....ALL". Me: "Give me the Saran Wrap."
So thusly we have been munching on this cake since our anniversary a few months ago. And now we are both overjoyed to be done with the thing. This final piece has been sitting in the fridge for about a week since last being thawed out for the....oh..I'd say 7th time. Needless to say it was hard and cruchie and the frosting was atrocious. But, here it is folks for you're viewing pleasure. This last damn piece of cake. Naturally as any loving husband, I let Mix Tape Girl have the last piece of this horrid 7 times defrosted cake.

FYI: Mix Tape Girl's response after eatting the last piece. "That tasted like crap. Why didn't we toss?"
I told you so. ^_^
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Fixing a hole
It's 11 pm, Mix Tape Girl has gone to sleep. I wait for the pear cobbler that she put in before she went to bed to finish. The timer she has ticks away, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. I go into our bedroom to grab something. MTG is sound asleep. I stand and watch her sleep for a minute. She looks so tired.
The days seem to drag by. It's been so long since I posted. Things changed, circumstances different. I'm at a new job now after trying to start my own work. That didn't work out as planned. Too much overhead to get a clean start. We've both had lost our jobs, and looked together for employment. We found a job at the same company, just different departments. Doing things that I thought I'd never be part of.
I listen to people all day, tell me their sob stories. Some are genuine some are not. I foreclose peoples houses now. I have say whether they stay or they go. I hear every story that comes in, most are frightened to be close to being homeless and with just cause but some want to fight. Rarely anyone does, only rarely do you get a fighter. I see the front lines of what's happening to a good part of America. But it doesn't make sense. It's not the banks fault per say, it's not the mortgage broker or the borrowers. It's everyone's fault. I sit and listen on the phone all day story after story. Most people are preyed upon, the unintelligent, the elderly, the just plain stupid. Same story, I can't pay my loan. I look at the loan they're set on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage. That's all there is. "It's a bad loan" I'm told time and again. I agree with them, things like this should have never been allowed to come into existence. But then again no one made them sign the loan papers. Ultimately the responsiblity is the person who signed the loan papers. People just don't want to own up to the fact that being an adult means that you take responsibility for your mistakes. I have to put on a stoic face and pretend that it doesn't bother me though it does. I look at their loans day after day. I hear the same thing. "Give me a fixed rate". I retort, "Why? You have an ARM loan, your payments are $500 a month, you aren't even paying the full interest and you can't afford that, and you're accruing negative amortization. Here's how it works if you want a fixed rate. Your mortgage is $150k. One a fixed rate besides paying the interest just the principal alone is going to be at least $1500 going on what is normal rate of 1% of your principal balance. And that's not including your interest. If you can't afford to pay $500 monthly how are you going to pay $1500 plus?" That usually slaps them with a dose of reality. I don't like to do it but that's my job. You get to stay but you on the other hand don't. It's all numbers just business. And everyting is Obama says.
MTG has it worse, she's on the collections side, past due accounts. People try to dictate to her what they will pay on the loan. Doesn't work that way. Obama says that I don't have to pay my loan. Obama says you will give me a modification with 2% interest. Obama says that I don't owe anything anymore. Little do they know that Obama's plan is only for government backed loans, which few if any of the customers have. She gets yelled at, threatend and called an awful person all day. "How can you live with yourself you miserable wretch, doing this kind of job" she tells me one lady told her today. She is on the verge of tears when we get into the car. She strong, doesn't cry while at work. But she gets more depressed and bitter everyday. It helps for me to listen while she vents.
I turn on the stereo in the car on the way home. Peter Frampton's "Baby I Love Your Way" plays. We listen to it in the background while MTG vents. I tell her about my crazy calls and we find consolation in each other. She clings to my one arm while I drive us home. "This is shit" she says while we enter the highway. "We need to come up with a plan b." I'm working on it in my head, mulling things over. What to do, what to do?
As soon as we get home MTG pounces on me. We make love, and she falls asleep. She always falls asleep first. It's supposed to be the other way around, but I'm used to it now. I get up throw a load of clothes in the washer. I do the dishes while I play Alicia Keys softly in the living room so I don't wake MTG up. A few hours later she emerges groggy hair messy. She's in the mood for something sweet. She cuts up half of a bag of pears I bought and makes a cobbler and puts it in the oven. She gets sleepy before it's done and tells me she's off to bed.
I straighten up the place a little more. I shuffle through some older record albums that I have. I've been in the habit of hanging on the wall in frames as artwork lately, so I pick a few good albums while I wait for the cobbler to hang up. Sgt. Pepper, an Oceanlab mix, Billy Joel 52nd St, and a few others that I have duplicates of and have no problem framing and hanging up. I loose myself in the mindless framing project. The timer goes off that MTG set, it scares the hell out of me cause its loud and sounds awful. I take out the cobbler and set it to cool.
Opening up a cherry 7-up I sit on the couch and stare out the french doors to the patio. It's dark, I see the lime tree swaying a little in the wind. My mind wanders. I try to think of a way to get us out of our work, do something else, but it's just here say. Like MTG tells me, "As much as I hate my job, I hate not having one even more." I tell myself I'll find a way. What to do what to do? I notice a small hole in the weather stripping around the door and stare at it. In my mind the verses come to me. "I"m fixing a hole where the rain gets in, and stops my mind from wandering."
The days seem to drag by. It's been so long since I posted. Things changed, circumstances different. I'm at a new job now after trying to start my own work. That didn't work out as planned. Too much overhead to get a clean start. We've both had lost our jobs, and looked together for employment. We found a job at the same company, just different departments. Doing things that I thought I'd never be part of.
I listen to people all day, tell me their sob stories. Some are genuine some are not. I foreclose peoples houses now. I have say whether they stay or they go. I hear every story that comes in, most are frightened to be close to being homeless and with just cause but some want to fight. Rarely anyone does, only rarely do you get a fighter. I see the front lines of what's happening to a good part of America. But it doesn't make sense. It's not the banks fault per say, it's not the mortgage broker or the borrowers. It's everyone's fault. I sit and listen on the phone all day story after story. Most people are preyed upon, the unintelligent, the elderly, the just plain stupid. Same story, I can't pay my loan. I look at the loan they're set on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage. That's all there is. "It's a bad loan" I'm told time and again. I agree with them, things like this should have never been allowed to come into existence. But then again no one made them sign the loan papers. Ultimately the responsiblity is the person who signed the loan papers. People just don't want to own up to the fact that being an adult means that you take responsibility for your mistakes. I have to put on a stoic face and pretend that it doesn't bother me though it does. I look at their loans day after day. I hear the same thing. "Give me a fixed rate". I retort, "Why? You have an ARM loan, your payments are $500 a month, you aren't even paying the full interest and you can't afford that, and you're accruing negative amortization. Here's how it works if you want a fixed rate. Your mortgage is $150k. One a fixed rate besides paying the interest just the principal alone is going to be at least $1500 going on what is normal rate of 1% of your principal balance. And that's not including your interest. If you can't afford to pay $500 monthly how are you going to pay $1500 plus?" That usually slaps them with a dose of reality. I don't like to do it but that's my job. You get to stay but you on the other hand don't. It's all numbers just business. And everyting is Obama says.
MTG has it worse, she's on the collections side, past due accounts. People try to dictate to her what they will pay on the loan. Doesn't work that way. Obama says that I don't have to pay my loan. Obama says you will give me a modification with 2% interest. Obama says that I don't owe anything anymore. Little do they know that Obama's plan is only for government backed loans, which few if any of the customers have. She gets yelled at, threatend and called an awful person all day. "How can you live with yourself you miserable wretch, doing this kind of job" she tells me one lady told her today. She is on the verge of tears when we get into the car. She strong, doesn't cry while at work. But she gets more depressed and bitter everyday. It helps for me to listen while she vents.
I turn on the stereo in the car on the way home. Peter Frampton's "Baby I Love Your Way" plays. We listen to it in the background while MTG vents. I tell her about my crazy calls and we find consolation in each other. She clings to my one arm while I drive us home. "This is shit" she says while we enter the highway. "We need to come up with a plan b." I'm working on it in my head, mulling things over. What to do, what to do?
As soon as we get home MTG pounces on me. We make love, and she falls asleep. She always falls asleep first. It's supposed to be the other way around, but I'm used to it now. I get up throw a load of clothes in the washer. I do the dishes while I play Alicia Keys softly in the living room so I don't wake MTG up. A few hours later she emerges groggy hair messy. She's in the mood for something sweet. She cuts up half of a bag of pears I bought and makes a cobbler and puts it in the oven. She gets sleepy before it's done and tells me she's off to bed.
I straighten up the place a little more. I shuffle through some older record albums that I have. I've been in the habit of hanging on the wall in frames as artwork lately, so I pick a few good albums while I wait for the cobbler to hang up. Sgt. Pepper, an Oceanlab mix, Billy Joel 52nd St, and a few others that I have duplicates of and have no problem framing and hanging up. I loose myself in the mindless framing project. The timer goes off that MTG set, it scares the hell out of me cause its loud and sounds awful. I take out the cobbler and set it to cool.
Opening up a cherry 7-up I sit on the couch and stare out the french doors to the patio. It's dark, I see the lime tree swaying a little in the wind. My mind wanders. I try to think of a way to get us out of our work, do something else, but it's just here say. Like MTG tells me, "As much as I hate my job, I hate not having one even more." I tell myself I'll find a way. What to do what to do? I notice a small hole in the weather stripping around the door and stare at it. In my mind the verses come to me. "I"m fixing a hole where the rain gets in, and stops my mind from wandering."
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Six Things
Sorry, sorry, this post is so late. We're even more sorry we've been gone for so long. Thanks for not forgetting about us. Details will come later. For now I've been tagged and I accept the challenge for the Six Sexy Ladies Meme.
The Rules
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Though honestly I probably won't tag anyone as almost everyone has already done this.
1. Every time someone says the word "six" as in "six" meme's, or just six in general, I giggle like crazy. Which is because I'm immature and think of the scene in National Lampoon's European Vacation where they go knocking on doors saying, "We're looking for sex. Is this sex." Immature I know. "Dad that's German for six."
2. When eating french fries, I put the ketchup on the fries before eating them. This drives Artful up the walls crazy as he hates it. I immensely love doing it now just to annoy him. he he he
3. Stay away from me in the morning if I haven't had my caffeine. When I'm decaffeinated, it's not a pretty sight.
4. I can make my ankles pop on command. Dunno how I can, but I can.
5. It may be just me, but Asian food rocks.
6. I horde napkins. I have tons of them all over the place. I'm always afraid that I will need them in an emergency. AD was stunned to find the glove compartment of my car completely stuffed with them. So much so that they came out in a big clump shaped like the compartment itself. Yes I know I need to throw the older ones away.
There's a few weird things about me, though there are many many more. Perhaps someday I might be willing to share some more.
The Rules
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Though honestly I probably won't tag anyone as almost everyone has already done this.
1. Every time someone says the word "six" as in "six" meme's, or just six in general, I giggle like crazy. Which is because I'm immature and think of the scene in National Lampoon's European Vacation where they go knocking on doors saying, "We're looking for sex. Is this sex." Immature I know. "Dad that's German for six."
2. When eating french fries, I put the ketchup on the fries before eating them. This drives Artful up the walls crazy as he hates it. I immensely love doing it now just to annoy him. he he he
3. Stay away from me in the morning if I haven't had my caffeine. When I'm decaffeinated, it's not a pretty sight.
4. I can make my ankles pop on command. Dunno how I can, but I can.
5. It may be just me, but Asian food rocks.
6. I horde napkins. I have tons of them all over the place. I'm always afraid that I will need them in an emergency. AD was stunned to find the glove compartment of my car completely stuffed with them. So much so that they came out in a big clump shaped like the compartment itself. Yes I know I need to throw the older ones away.
There's a few weird things about me, though there are many many more. Perhaps someday I might be willing to share some more.
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