Me: Where is it?
MTG: Where's what?
Me: My journal?
MTG: I don't know. Did you put it inside one of those plastic boxes?
Me: No. I left it here so I could find it.
MTG: Have you looked to make sure it's not in a box.
Me: No.......cause I left it here so I would remember not to pack it in a box.
MTG: I think we should dig through the boxes. I bet you it's in there.
Me: No it isn't.
MTG: I bet it is.
Me: Fine.
MTG: If its in there you owe me a dance.
Me: Whatever just help me pull out these boxes.
I lost my personal journal and daily planner, neither of which I can function without. I've recently rearranged my bedroom for now and bought nice clear plastic boxes and labeled them and have put my books up in new boxes etc. Before my bedroom was a mess of CD's, records, clothes, tapes, DVD's, lots of books and general crap, all lying in a mess, that only I could understand. I had a system, but I hated the look, thus the boxes. Needless to say the entire make over, with the help of Mix Tape Girl, my bedroom is now respectable looking and the shelf over my bed that held about 30 pounds of books has since been removed. (Note this is a good thing. It's not good to have a shelf of heavy books hanging over your head. I can tell you first hand what it's like to have heavy books fall on you when you're trying to reach the top of the pile to find you glasses on top of the books in the morning, only to pull the entire shelf down on you with the books. Ouch)
I've since remodeled my entire bedroom, having just finished the living room and kitchen. (Oh did I mention I moved? If not then I did, to a condo near work, really near work, like 10 mins from work and even closer to MTG) Anyways I'm completely redoing the whole unit. I painted my room a nice neutral greenish colour, with some advice from MTG and few decoration magazines and books. Crown molding galore, and modern dimmer switches etc. It's rather swanky now. Not posh but according to a book I'm modeling after, uhm...modern contemporary or something. MTG says its warm and inviting. All I know is that now everything has its place and I'm able to use my 800 thread count duvet on my bed again with matching sheet and pillow cases etc.
But upon putting up the final touches I had inadvertently misplaced my personal journal and daily planner. I was going nuts trying to find it. Two hours later after pulling everything out that we had just put up, MTG found them wedged between a case of records in a milk crate I stored them in.
MTG: Look see I told you so!!
Me: (grinning and blushing) How'd they end up there? Did you put them there? (I kid)
MTG: Oh no you didn't!! You're the one who put up the records cause you had to have them just so.
Me: You're lovely when you're angry.
MTG: And you owe me a dance. (It's a thing we do.)
Me: Right now?
MTG: You have something else to do?
Me: uhm...Put this stuff up.
MTG: stares blankly at me
Me: Right then, a dance it is for the lovely lady.
In the crate that she just pulled out and found my stuff in was some old records. The first one being a Tony Bennett record. I love Tony Bennett. To me he's right up there with Sinatra and the best of them. I even met him once when I was little, on my first trip to NYC. He was actually sitting in the booth next to us in a NYC restaurant, and even gave my dad his autograph. (Which to this day my dad has that cocktail napkin framed) I recognized him from the record covers my parents had of him. They'd play him a lot and I'd love to sit and listen to him. I used to wish I could sing like him or Sinatra, but that was a long time ago and those dreams went poofers.
I put the record on and play a cover Tony did of "They Can't Take That Away From Me". Though I still think of Fred Astaire singing it to Ginger Rogers, I love Tony's rendition of it. Gives me goosebumps. MTG and myself dance to the song though we don't dance anywhere near divinely as Fred and Ginger, but we don't care. MTG super light on her feet as always. We end up stopping what we're doing and listen to the enitre side A of the record, before we put anything up. After putting everything thing back up MTG switches to side B and we dance a little more. Thanks Tony for making our night.

Oh and by the by there was as wonderful PBS documentary on Tony tonight too, I caught the last 30 mins of it. I do hope they show it again.
PS: I'll be leaving for L.A. tomorrow morning so I probably won't post for a while, unless I finally decide to take my laptop with me. I can't decide yet. Oh well. Will post later on next week. Have a great weekend all. And do a little dancing, it'll make you feel better.
I love you and MTG together. I always picture you dancing.
BTW, have you heard Ella + Louis' "They Can't Take That Away From Me?" Brilliant.
Have fun in L.A.!
No I haven't hear Ella and Louis' version of it. I shall have to find and download it. Thanks for the tip.
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