Gasp!!! I almost forgot that tomorrow is payday!!! Yay day!!! Here is the best part, I have absolutely no bills to pay with this pay check. A whole free paycheck just for me.
I must do some shopping. I need new pillows, mine are all flat and stiff. too. I just threw away my old pair. Hmmm...ohh..there's that outlet mall in New Braunfels.
It's going to be ok after all. :)

Don't you love that rare payday, the one with no financial obligations? I'm in the middle of that one myself! Have fun with it.
I can't remember the last time I had a "free" payday. They're usually spent before I even get them!
I've spent lots of dollars on concert tickets this week. I'm now booked through September ... and will be eating soup through October.
LOL! I actually paid a few bills early just so I don't have to worry about it. Although I don't have any idea how much I should've sent as I haven't even gotten the bills yet. But I'm sure I sent more than enough.
Unfortunately there really aren't any great concerts in town coming anytime soon that I've heard of or really want to hear. The ones I do want to see are in Austin or Houston. San Antonio just gets left overs. But I tried to get a Saturday Pass or the 3 day pass to Austin City Limits Festival, but their already sold out. (sob, sob).
Anyways I'm gonna buy a few things today after work. (new pillows) Then spend the weekend in Austin window shopping with friends.
Oh and I must hit the record store by my house too before I go. I'm in desperate need of new/used music CD's and vinyl. And I'm thinking about maybe getting a Playstation 2. Maybe. There's only one game I want to play so I don't know if I want to buy it or not.
Although the brunt of my purchases will be on itunes or emusic. :) I'm gonna get a bunch of music from there.
Beckeye: I know just what you mean. It usually happens this way too for me. It's just one of those rare occurences and I must take full advantage of it.
On the plus side too, I have one more payment on my truck and then that's over. Yay!!(Well the truck is in my name and I pay it, but I gave it to my mum as she didn't have a vehicle. So it's really my mums truck.) But I'll have and extra $400 buck per month after its all paid off. Double Yay!!
I was going to try to hit the Austin City Limits Festival, too, but it sold out before I could get my priorities in order. We'll whine together.
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