Friday, December 28, 2007
Be Back Next Year
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Crossing the line
So here's what happened. I went to the store after work to pick up a few things. I took my time, browsing, grabbing this and that. (Hey I had coupons, that aren't going to use themselves. See the perfect excuse to buy that new shampoo I've seen, with a dollar off coupon.) But I surprised myself I only used a hand basket and not a shopping cart.
Anyways, I browsed around, making my way to the register. Now every place that I've been to, even with people in front of you, I've always just put my goodies on the conveyor belt. Today was no exception. The lady in front of me had just finished putting her goods on the checkout belt. No biggie. There was more than enough room for me to put my few goods on the belt too. Reaching over to grab the ever so useful separator stick, the woman in front of me interrupted me.
Evil Woman: "Excuse me. You don't put your things down till I'm checked out."
Me: (Thinking.... pardon my language. WTF did you just say? But in being stunned by reality saying...) Huh?
Evil Woman: "Your things. Do not put them down until I'm checked out. I don't want your things touching mine." (This being said in a most discourteous manner.)
Having had one of those days, I'm thinking. "Oh no bitch. Not today." (Pardon my language again, but I'm really miffed.)
Now I understand wanting to keep your goods separate. When I go to the store and put my things on the checkout belt, the last thing I want is for another persons peasant goods to be touching my caviar, capers, and....just kidding, in honesty its more like, pads, shampoo, discount hair scrunchies from the fifty off bin, Hershey dark chocolate almond bar, and few cans of spaghetti sauce and noodles, and my Lean Cuisines for lunch at work. But seriously I know that feeling of private personal property of someone touching your stuff even before you buy it. Which is why I'm a huge believer in the separator stick. That last thing you want is my Cheetos chatting it up with someone else's Jimmy Dean sausage log.
But things will touch eventually. No big deal. Well not to this lady. She was adamant that I take my things off. She was getting ready to grab my stuff and start putting them into my hand basket again. Cutting her off before she could, I slapped the separator stick down between our things. And putting on my best Jane Austen genteel attitude and forced smile, instead of the raging wolverine that was ready to rip this crazed womans' head off, I inform her.
Me: "I'm putting this separator stick down between our goods, so they don't touch. That shouldn't be a problem, SHOULD IT?" While giving my stare that says, "Know what I think of you? Nothing. I freaking own you. Bring it bitch."
The woman scoffed and turned away, the cashier already scanning her things. The people behind me where ready to jump this lady if I didn't. Some muttering some things in Spanish that even I'd rather not say towards her. But the power of the separator stick held true. Providing the "Don't pass over line", that can fend off the wars of the grocery store.
So after getting all done, I promptly ate my Hershey's bar which I so needed after that. Though I saved half to drink with some wine later in the evening.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I defer to...
Okay first of all it's "ado" A.D., just so you'll know. I see you rolling your eyes at me. Hmmff..I bugged A.D. to let me write a post but now that I'm here I have no idea what to say. Hi, I'm Mix Tape Girl. (waves politely...that was lame) I'm just filling in for A.D. till he gets up on his feet again. Which he would have if he would go to a doctor like I tell him to, and stop going outside in the cold and wet weather. Men. Oh okay, I do believe I know what I'll post about. That's what this blogging thing is called right, a post? (A.D. gives me a thumbs up so I'm okay there) I'll just post about todays events from my point of view. Well events from this afternoon anyways.
My BFF: Are they still up there?
Me: Yes they are.
BFF: Does it take that long to install wires?
Me: Are you kidding? They were done over an hour ago.
BFF: So why are they still up there?
Me: They're sorting things out.
BFF: (Looking out window to roof) Huh? But their just standing there. Their not even talking.
Me: Yes I know. It's a guy thing.
BFF: So can't they do that inside.
Me: That would be too easy. Again as A.D. says, its a guy thing.
BFF: But it's cold and drizzling outside. Their going to get sick.
Me: You mean sicker.
BFF: A.D. will anyways.
Me: He loves the cold. He says it makes him feel better. The colder the better.
BFF: He's nuts.
Me: That's what I said. Besides I've already yelled at both of the to come inside just before you came. They just nodded. I told him if he gets sicker he's taking himself to the doctor. And not to say that I didn't tell him so.
My BFF and I sip our hot chocolate and sit at the table talking. I glance every so often outside to check on the boys. Their standing on the edge of the roof over looking the wooded park area of the subdivision. The steam from their mouth and noses looks like their smoking pipes from where I sit. A.D. and his BFF stand up there not moving not talking. They've known each other for years. It's creepy in a way, but utterly cool at the same time their friendship. Well they're more like brothers. Each one knows what the other is thinking without saying a word. A.D. asked his BFF to come over today after his work to help him do some computer cable thing. I don't know exactly what, something to do with a server or something A.D. bought to start his business project. In short his new office has wires everywhere and its a mess. His friend has had quite the year. Getting in a major car wreck that nearly killed him and his father. And now he just learned yesterday that company he's working for (a major electronic retailer) is going out of business and he'll be out of a job by the end of the month. After working there for about twelve years.
As they were in A.D.'s office tying computer lines together, the spoke maybe all of five words between them. But they handed each other tools and equipment that each other needed without saying a word. It's interesting just to watch them interact. Honestly A.D. is a very quiet, I would say shy person if you didn't truly know him. But his friend is even more so. He doesn't drive yet, doesn't drink, always extra cautious about doing things. I laugh to myself when I think that A.D. is the more outgoing of the two, as seeing them together you would never guess. But together they are a ever thinking unstoppable machine. And I say this because it's true. Get them together on a court for some basketball and you'd see what I mean. This in fact is true in other aspects of things they do together. It's been a long while since they've actually DJ'ed together but when they do, its amazing. I definitely need to get them to do another party and spin together, it's been far too long. Watching them work the vinyl and CD's and laptop and their other equipment is a sight to see. I shall have to think of a way to plan this.
I talk to my BFF some more. We're discussing "girlie things" as A.D. ever so eloquently puts it. I look up again out the window. No movement, yet. The drizzle is slowly turning into light rain. "A.D. get your butt in here now! You're going to get sicker!" I scream to myself in my head every time I look out. Finally having waited long enough, I get up and go outside to tell both of them to come in. I yell out at them and get a response. A.D. looks down at me and smiles. The look of deep thought disappearing from his face as he smiles at me. My BFF throws his cowboy hat up to him. He puts it on. His hair coming out from the sides. He needs a haircut, it's getting long again. A.D.'s BFF, looks at him and nods. A.D. voice is deep and says, "We have an accord then." His BFF nods approval. They both slide down the ladder and come inside.
A.D. speaks to me and I can tell he's losing his voice. He's talking from his diaphragm more than usual. His usual deep voice sounding deeper and more like a low growl than it usually is. He sounds like the way Batman talks in the movies. (Can you tell I've been watching his movies? I'm making Batman analogies.)
A.D.: I'm driving BFF home. I'll be back in a little while.
I acknowledge and they leave.
My BFF: Is he mad? His voice sounded all dark and evil.
Me: (Laughing) No silly. He's just losing his voice. You know what? Let's go to the store. I've a feeling that he's going to be needing some NyQuil tonight and I know he doesn't have any. Oh and you can help me figure out how to get them to DJ again too.
Okay as I finished typing that last line, A.D. was looking over my shoulder. Apparently men "don't have BFF's". I asked him what his kind call them. He didn't know but apparently BFF is strictly verboten, and any such reference can mean the man police can take away his man license for that kind of mention. At which point I told him that I was typing the post and he had better had taken the NyQuil I got him. He coughed and went away.
Well sorry if that post stinks. I'm sure it did. But it's my first. I would like to have typed something nice and elaborate but it's late and I want sleep.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ninja Warrior
Ha ha ha!! I love this show!! But dammit if it isn't cutting into my book reading time. I think I'm addicted. See what happens when you go from 80 channels to 200 when switching TV/ISP providers.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Untitled (track 1)
But the wind shift drastically changes the temperature. Within an hour the temperature drops a good 20 degrees and the humidity falls to where you no longer feel it on your skin. I can breathe again, my sinuses draining properly now. My ears unclog and I can hear normal again. No more echoing.
I haven't posted anything in a while as I fired my last ISP/Cable provider (Time Warner) whom decided to up their bill a good 50 bucks. So having now switched my provider to Ma Bell, I pay less than I did before and get really good internet service (no more dropped wifi waves) and 100 extra channels on my telle. I can't stop watching the Japanese channels and their crazy shows.
MTG is out of town on a much needed vacation from work. She kept debating on going or not but I told her to get out of here before work dragged her down. And while on vacation one does not check work e-mail or anything remotely work related. Thusly I demanded she leave her crackberry and laptop, and only taking her personal mobile with her. Just get out of here and have fun. So away she went to spend a week and a half with her friend up north. Calling a couple of times to check on me.
I was pretty much ok until the stupid weather changed again. The beginning of last week was great. Temps in the 40's no humidity. Then Thursday night, the temp went from 60 to 70 and the humidity went sky high. The mold count rocketed and I damn near lost my voice from being stuffed up. It's December the weather shouldn't be getting close to 90 degrees. It was 90 further down in South Texas. Cold one day hot as hell the next. No wonder half the people are sick all the time. Oh well, I should know better. It never actually gets cold down here for a good while until mid-January.
Once more my hair is grown very long. Not to my shoulders or anything mind you but I need a hair cut. My dad told me however that the old gentleman I go to is probably no longer in business. I had to check for myself. I drove down to the projects where his shop is, located in the middle of an old shopping center. And my dad was right. He had been forced out. They owner of the center demanding five times the rent he paid, only because the government welfare office rented and remodeled half the space there. I read his sign he taped on to the glass door of his shop. "Dear friends" it begins. "Thank you for allowing me the honor of serving you for the past 40 plus years. It is with a sad heart that I retire from cutting your hair, telling stories, reminiscing of past times, talking sports, politics, or whatever came to our minds. I will miss providing this service to you, your kids, your grandkids, and other souls who walked in my door. I will not be opening up a new business anywhere else, and will retire all together. I wish you the best in your endeavors. God bless and stay safe my friends." I read the sign and stare through the windows into the open space with nothing there. The outlines of the barber chairs the only visible reminder of what used to be there. I can see myself reflection in the glass. My hair long enough to be blowing across my face. The hand painted sign of his shop the only thing left on the glass. The people coming and going from the welfare office next door now pay no attention to what used to be. I get back in my car and drove home, unwilling to stop at a Supercuts or other place where they only know how to style hair and what number cut you want. So I left my hair go.
As MTG is away I moped around the house doing paper work for my business and filling out applications for licenses that I need. I got most of it completed and my agenda's just about in order for when I'm actually going to start everything. I haven't quit my job just yet. That'll be some time later. I have to make sure that my project takes off first. But I'm planing an exit strategy as well from my current job. I had skirted around the issue of going out on my own in business but finally thought that what good are dreams if you never make them come true. So I cast my lot in, and see what cards the fates hand to me.
While feeling miserable from my allergies on Saturday, my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go to Austin with her and her folks. Thinking that I'd be miserable either in a car or at home I opted to go. It was actually a very good time. I made new friends despite being stuffed up and miserable. Though I didn't do too much talking at first, manly because I couldn't hear clearly what was being said but eventually did get into the swing of things. I must say her parents gigantic van is super nice. Telle and everything in it. And very tall as well, you literally have to climb inside of it. We were almost level with the windows on the 18 wheelers. We did some things and went to dinner with some new friends. One of which seemed compelled to continually hug me through out the night. Not that she meant anything by it but she was one of those touchy, feely people. I'm not exactly that way so I squirmed ever so slightly every time she did.
And thusly my weekend comes to an end. I finish off my pisco sour and type the final words to this post. The cool wind blowing my hair around as I sit by the window. I wrap some strands of hair around my fingers and let it fall over my face just for kicks. And think of where to look for another good barber, and I wish Mr. Amaya the best, dear friend.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
She came in through the bathroom window
I'm stuck at a light that is taking forever to change. In an endless sea of cars and exhaust. The former Wonder Bread truck turned contractor truck on my side is spewing exhaust all over the street. So much so that I had to close the window on the passenger side of the car to keep from suffocating. As I stare straight ahead the exhaust fumes flow over my car like thick fog.
I have my mp3 player plugged in and its currently playing Otis Redding's "Dreams to Remember". His words float around my head and make me think of everything that's been happening as of late, and how I'm getting ready to change it all again.
As the light turns I realize that I'll be sitting here longer. There is no way I'm going to make it all the way through the intersection while the light is green. I move up about 6 spaces before it turns red again, and begin the 5 minute waiting process all over again.
I touch the top of my lip where I cut myself shaving the day before. I cut it really bad but it's healed so well that you couldn't even tell now. And I think about how it happend.
Mix Tape Girl called me a few days ago. Her parents were cooking dinner, and they wanted me to go over. I thought it was weird as usually MTG is the one to ask me over. But her parents wanted me to come this time. Though extremely late at night for dinner. 10 PM? Okay?? I went over and MTG wasn't home just her parents. She had gone to the store with her sisters to get a few things. I knocked and knocked and rang the door bell once too. No one was coming to the door, I thought they were pulling a prank on me. After about 5 minutes or so her mum finally showed up in her night gown. "Oh MTG isn't back yet?" she said. She invited me in. I felt like I shouldn't be there for some reason. There were few lights on and I really didn't smell any food. Her dad was actually already laying down in bed.
MTG showed up a minute after her mum let me inside. I helped her and her sisters with grocery bags. Dinner was already prepared but was pretty cool, thus no real odor. Her dad came out after getting dressed again. I was thinking am I late or something? But I wasn't. This was odd. Her dad said hello and the usual greeting. A couple more of their friends showed up, so at least I didn't feel so alone. MTG set the table and brought out the food. Setting aside a spot for me next to her. We all sat down to eat making small talk.
Her father however seemed to enjoy me being there for whatever reason. But after some wine this kinda seemed to change. It went from polite chit chat to little playful insults that he was throwing at me in front of everyone. Having a few cups of wine myself I was quite amazed that I was able to turn these insults into jokes quite quickly. (Me being the subject of the joke that is) This went on pretty much the rest of the night. Their other friends who got back from a trip began showing her father and I some pictures of their trip. Nice pics but their laptop screen was so dark to me that I could barely see all but the brightest pictures. While looking at the pictures it ended up just being MTG's dad, one of their friends, and myself looking at them. MTG's dad sipping wine and throwing an soft insult or two every so often for kicks.
MTG was in the living room with her other friend copying a CD for her. After the second part of the dark picture show was done I decided I had enough insults that I wanted to leave. I excused myself and said a quick goodbye and left. MTG pre-occupied with putting songs on the CD that I just waved bye to her.
I was thoroughly tired when I got home. I stripped off my clothes and threw myself into bed. It had finally gotten super cold down here so I had a ton of covers on me. I wrapped myself in a cocoon of blankets and fell into a deep sleep. So deep in fact that I never heard MTG come in the house in the middle of the night. (3 am) I didn't notice until I felt the light from the bathroom come on. The dim light shining on my face while the bathroom door was partly closed. At first I kinda panicked and wondered who's in the house. But then I made out MTG's silhouetted from the light, even though I never put my glasses on.
MTG slinked across the room in the darkness. Being careful not to step on the paperwork I have lying all over the floor. I have tons of paperwork around in piles that needs to be filled out before I register my business that I'm starting. Each type in its own unique pile. I'm almost fully asleep again when I feel MTG crawl into bed. I expected her to just cocoon herself like me and go to bed but she didn't. The next thing I know she's leaning over me. I turn around to see her face. It's lightly coloured in the darkness but I can still see into her eyes. "How..when did you get in here?" I ask. "Just a minute ago, through the bathroom window," she giggles. "I'm sorry about tonight" she said softly. "Believe it or not dad really likes you. It was his idea you come over." she continues. I'm looking at her in the eyes. Mine small and sleepy, hers still awake and bright. I'm thinking though that its not the best thing to invite someone over and poke fun at them, even if you are just being playful. Well one or two is okay but not all night. But I just stare into her eyes, and say "It's okay. It was probably just the wine." My voice muffled as the only part of me showing are my nose and eyes from my cocoon. MTG leans forward more, pulling the blankets from my face at the same time, her hair falling on my face. Her breath is cold from brushing her teeth. She rubs her nose against mine. "Oh my word," she says, "your nose if freezing." I laugh as this is because that's the only part of me visible when I'm in my blanket cocoon, I still have to breathe somehow so I leave a breathing hole in it. She gently rubs my nose with her fingers and kisses it till its warm. I say nothing as she does this. I'm actually far to sleepy to respond. I end up sharing my cocoon with her, our limbs intertwined in warmth. Before we fall asleep she asks me, "How'd you know grandma would be ok?" I don't tell her how I truly know, I just say it must be intuition.
As I get ready for work the following morning, MTG comes up behind me while I'm shaving. She surprises me by putting her freezing cold hands on the back of my neck. Unfortunately I was shaving the top of my lip between my nose and nostril and the startle made me slice it my that small piece of flesh wide opened. The cut is not wide but very deep. (For some reason I'm one of the few guys left to shave with a straight edge and not a regular razor.) MTG's laughter turns to horror as blood trickles down my mouth and chin. She quickly gets a towel and smushes it into my face. It hurts worse when she does this, it only succeeds in getting blood all over my face and in my mouth, which the tang of it tastes funny when I speak to her. After a couple of minutes I stop bleeding and wash my face and finish shaving. MTG putting some anti-biotic stuff on the cut, that burns like hell. She looks sad and keeps apologizing. I tell her not to worry its just a cut, it hurts like hell but is just a cut.
It's still early so we decide to stop at a cafe for breakfast. MTG looking through a jewelry magazine she got in the mail. Cooing over a few things. Saying it would be nice to get this and pointing to something, but jokingly. I do my best to not tell her I bought her X-mas gifts already and its pretty much exactly what she's pointing at. I hid the gifts in a box that was far too heavy for me to carry yet. Placing the gifts in a box full of electronics that weighed probably 150 plus pounds, which I don't think I've been cleared to pick up stuff that heavy yet. Next time I'll think of something easier. (Sock drawer!! Hello?!?!)
As I think of this the muscle I pulled in my chest lifting that stupid box over my head in the garage starts to hurt. The light finally turns green and I have enough time to make it through. As I approach the next light the MP3 player plays "She Came In Through the Bathroom Window," and my mind starts to think again.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Standing Outside a Hospital Room..
No MTG is not in the hospital, thank goodness. But her grandma is. We've been going pretty much every day that she's been in there. Her health failing and her situation critical. MTG is worried and emotional, the bags under her eyes tell the story of her staying up late with her grandma at the hospital, with the rest of her family. The hospital is in another city close to where I lived many years ago during the prime of my gypsy life. I never thought I'd have to come to this place again.
I really don't know any of these people asides from MTG's parents, and siblings. I sit in the corner and make myself invisible. Friends and family come and go. I'm sitting by myself most of the time, as MTG is in the room with her grandma. Her family is worried and concerned. It's only natural. I look out the window and see that the wind if finally picking up. It almost reached 90 degrees again today. Way too hot for this time of year. The wind starts blowing violently, the cold front expected finally arrived.
From time to time MTG comes into the waiting room. This is when she takes the time to introduce more family to me. I smile politely and give my condolences. Most of them forget that I'm there afterwards. Which is best. Her dad's too busy looking after his mum to be grilling me or giving me the evil eye. But it doesn't stop a few of her other family from doing so. Particularly other uncles who give me the kung-fu grip of death when I shake their hands, I reply with the same to earn some respect. Although mostly my cheeks are a bit red and sore from the amount of pinching her aunties have done. Apparently they think I'm cute.
The doctor comes in and tells them a few things. MTG grabs my hand and we walk towards the room. I really don't want to go in there. In my life I've seen deaths face far too many times. We go in and there are nurses working about. Her grandma hooked up to machines. But she's still plenty conscience. MTG introduces me to her and she pinches my cheek. She mumbles a few words and I smile politely back. I've never meet this woman, but here I am in her hospital room watching what could be her last breaths. More and more family come in and I try to stand in the corner out of the way. Most of them say nothing about me being there, but I get a few looks like "Who the hell are you?" After a few minutes of this I take my cue to leave.
MTG's grandma, doesn't have death's eyes yet. In fact if you ask me, I say that she's not going anywhere anytime soon. But the doctors say she's critical as do the machines. I give a look to MTG and tell her I'm going to go outside for some air. I hate being in hospitals. As I walk outside, the cold wind immediately slaps my face. It feels wonderful compared to the hot 100% humidity soaked air of the earlier part of the day.
I make my way to a small courtyard with benches, apparently this is the smoking area as not long after I sit, some employees show up for a cigarette break. As I sit there watching the leaves shuffle by I think, and take in the smell of the Marlboro's that the employees are smoking. All I can think of is why I'm there. Until today I've never meet this person or the rest of MTG's family and think that I'm just in the way than anything else. And for what ever reason I have the Primitive Radio God's "Standing Outside a Broken Phone-booth with Money In My Hand," on a continuous loop in my head. My dad calls at that moment and I tell him what's going on. He tells me that I'm there to support MTG above all else, and that even though I don't know anyone else or feel like I'm simply in the way, just being there is being there for her. This makes sense to me.
MTG comes and finds me a few minutes after that. She says that the doctor gave her nanna some stuff to relax her. And that she's sleeping. She holds my hand as we walk back to the room. When we get there her nanna opens her eyes at us and smiles. I still don't see anything telling me she's ready to pass yet. How do I know this? Ever since I was a kid I've just been able to tell when someone was going to pass. I dunno how, or why I just can. I never really told anyone this, but when it comes down to it, I'm 6 for 6 on telling this kind of thing. Though I didn't share with anyone. It actually freaks me out, I hate being able to tell this, its morbid, but fortunately I can only tell with extremely sick people. When my uncle passed away earlier this year I didn't tell my cousin or aunt that the day after I visited him for the last time (2 days before he died) that night I dreamed of the day and time he would pass and funeral home he would be at. As usual I was spot on with all accounts. Would it make a difference if I told them? My uncle was tripping on morphine and was basically a veg when he passed. Could they have prepared themselves? Ill never know as I never told them.
While staring at the floor I'm suddenly roused by the sound of MTG's stomach growling. "Have you eaten anything?," I ask. She doesn't respond, she's looking at her nanna. Her dad comes towards me and hands me a 20, and instructs me to take her to eat something. She doesn't want to go but after some nudging we leave. One of her sisters and a couple of cousins come with us. We go to a small restaurant and all get hamburgers. While we wait for our food, MTG gets extremely quiet. We all sit in silence for a moment listening to "Crimson and Clover" by Tommy James & The Shondells being piped over the restaurants, P.A. system. It gets too quite so I just start saying a joke about a lady with a baby that looks like a monkey. I make MTG's sister and cousins laugh so hard that her sister spews Coke from her nose. Our tensions relax after that. While MTG's sister is cleaning the mess I made her make, she puts her head on my shoulder and whispers to me, "I don't want her to go." I think of the pain her nanna is in and know it would be for the better if she quickly passed from the cancer, instead of suffering. But I feel that will not be the case. All I can tell her is that she'll still be around for a while. I see a phone on the wall and the Primitive Radio God's starts playing in my head again.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Parlez-vous Klingon?
I couldn't really tell you all of the story arcs, or new characters. I'm only aware of a few things, in comic book land. Why do I speak of this you might ask yourself? Well, it's a most interesting story.
The comic shop where I frequent is very nice. They guys (and gal) that works there are very nice. Yeah they know their comic stuff but it's not like going in and that's all they talk about. Far from it. The best way I can describe it is like "Championship Vinyl" on High Fidelity. (Albeit they can be comic snobs from time to time. And look down on someone who thinks they know what their talking about when they don't.) They talk about the stuff with customers but they don't live it. Well most of them anyways. The manager guy that I've know for a few years is actually really smart. He just graduated from college, and is going to get married. When talking to him he doesn't talk about the latest books etc. In fact all of them really don't unless their asked by customers. (I've gone out with a few of them for drinks and we talked about anything else but comics.)

I usually go in every few weeks to see what's new and pick up a Batman comic or see what looks interesting. I like their shop because they also carry off the wall comics, that are more just pop art/poetry stuff than regular comics. This is were I found the amazing short book (The Plain Janes, which I highly recommend). Anyways, it's still a comic shop. So you get the geeks and nerds in too. I consider myself a slight geek. (As in I'm aware of geeky things but not much)
So I stop by today to browse around. The guys behind the counter are just there shootin' the shit as they say. The manager guy I know comes and says hello, and tells me what's up and we just talk. I peruse around aimlessly looking for something new and interesting. A few moments later a bunch of kids show up. The manager informs me that their going to have a "Magic" the gathering meeting for people to play in. A couple of the guys into that take care of the whole thing in the back game room they set up. (I've yet to venture into there, out of sheer fear.) It's mostly teenage kids but there's some odd adults too. The guys working there put on their best faux smiles and politely answer questions. It's their jobs.
A girl walks in wearing a red cape and I dunno who to describe it...uhm...damsel dress. (I kid you not) She talks about herself in the third person, and to make it worse she has three guys catering to her every command. All of us there stop what were doing and just stare. Having all our "WTF?" faces on. They go to the back game room. We all laugh once their out of earshot. But that was not the worst to come. Not a few minutes after that, a group of (I kid you not) Klingons walk in. The girl that works there turns around and walks towards me laughing and saying "Oh-my-God."

The...ahem..Klingons, all grunt in unison and do their salute thing. Next thing I know..the head Klingon (I kid you not) is asking the manager something, in Klingon. Me I would've busted out laughing. I guess the managers' been through this before. Without flinching or even looking up from a form he was filling out he says, "You're gonna have to speak English. I don't speak Klingon."
The head Klingon says something back to his group in Klingon and they all laugh in unison. He then proceeds to ask the manager stuff in English. After which they go back into the game room too. I'm thumbing through a comic of Last of the Mohican's, that's actually pretty well done. It's spot on with the novel. But as soon as their gone I can't stop laughing. I laugh so hard I start to cry. I ask the manger, "Parle-vous Klingon?" He busts out laughing. "Can you believe that crap? I swear next time that happens I'm calling this gaming thing off." "But it's Magic. Who the hell comes as a Klingon for a Magic game?" exclaims one of the other workers. "Or at least as something cool, like a Wookie," says another.
"I think I'm gonna stop coming here. It's too creepy." I jokingly say. Either that or brush up on Klingon.
"shQUo duCh!!" Whatever the hell that means.
On a downer though, I think MTG purposefully gave me her bugs. My throat is starting to get scratchy and my nose runny. Nuts!! I wonder if there's a phrase for "Aww..crap" in Klingon?
Friday, November 16, 2007
So much for that
It's cold down here again!! Yay!!! It was almost 90 degrees for most of the week!! Can you believe that!! It's crazy. But it should get close to freezing tonight. I love the cold. I thrive in it. I get all energized and happy. I must have polar bear blood in me cause it just makes me feel so good. The colder the better. Oh and I sleep so well when its cold. Which people who stay over (and sometimes Mix Tape Girl) complain about especially at night when I drop the temp to sub-zero. But I have too if not I'll never fall asleep.
I was going to post this nice elaborate posting but it got too late. I was at my desktop putting music on a new Muvo 100 that I got just for my car. But I screwed up and basically erased 2 and a half hours of configuration and custom sorting and play-lists. All because as soon as I started syncing the music, I remembered one song that I forgot to add. So I stopped the sync. Well once you stop you can't start again without erasing everything and starting over. Stupid me didn't save the settings and it all went bye-bye. D'oh!!! All because of one song. And I had it all mapped out the way I want it. Crap. I'll have to do it all over tomorrow.
Well its late. I think I'm off to bed and wrap myself in oversized blankets and make a cocoon till morning. Have a good weekend.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tick, Tick, Tick
"See you all later," I say on my way out from work. I'm on my way to my doctors follow-up visit. I thought it was at 3:30 but they called to confirm and I found out it was at 3 pm. D'oh!!
I hurry to my car as I only have 30 mins to get to the Medical Center half-way across town. As usual people get in the way and go slow. It seems like its on purpose but I know its not. I weave in and out and make my way slowly to the doctor's office. The highway is quick but it takes forever at the lights.
2:50 pm
I'm stuck at a light. I could have pressed the gas and ran through the yellow light. But it probably would have turned red and someone would have hit me, as the intersection is very large. I sit and wait.
2:53 pm
Make it past the light to the other light in front of the doctor's office. Wait at light.
2:55 pm
Light finally turns green for me to turn. I turn and rush into the parking lot. It's a pay to park lot so I have to grab a parking ticket before I can even go in. I park in the first available spot and grab a magazine/book to read from my courier bag. I rush inside the building.
2:59 pm
The elevator I get in at the building sounds like its going to fall apart. The doors clang open when it arrives on the 1st floor. I get in and hope for the best. I rush into the doctor's office with a minute to spare.
3 pm
I look at the parking pass. The first 30 mins are free, 1 hour is a dollar and so on. I don't know how long I'll be waiting. I think to myself. Does the parking attendant take the bank card? I don't have any actual money on me. There's no ATM in this building? Crap I only have $1.05 on me in change.
3:10 pm
Still in the waiting room. I'm reading my book (it's actually a literary magazine with short stories, poems, and interviews with authors) that I picked up at Barnes and Nobles. I read a couple of really interesting fiction stories and a few poems. I look at my watch. My free 30 mins is almost up, is all I can think.
3:25 pm
Oh no, still in the waiting room!! What if it takes forever? I'll have to go walk to find a bank or something to get some cash. I check my wallet. Dammit!! I left my bank card on the table at home. I took it out yesterday and put it in my shirt pocket when I picked up some take-out. When I got home I put it on the table with the receipt. I forgot to put it back in my wallet. Dammit!! Now I can't even go to an ATM to pay to get out.
3: 35 pm
Still in the waiting room. A lady walked in. She told the girl behind the fuzzy glass that she was late as her friend was driving her and got lost. She's an older looking lady. I glance up from my book and then pretend like I'm reading. The words and lines are blurred and I'm just staring at them, because all I can think of is how I'm going to pay for parking.
3:37 pm
An old lady comes out from behind the back of the office and the CNA tells her they will see her later for her other check up. She calls me back to one of the rooms.
3:40 pm
I'm in the first room by myself. It's an old office but very well kept. Parts of it has that old wood paneling which I hate. There's a nook with a bench thingy built in with storage in it. There's a sign taped that says "NOT A TRASH CAN" on it. I think this is funny as it doesn't look like one to me. But obviously someone threw trash in it so they had to tape the sign on it. The examining table is extended up-right into a chair position. I'm sitting in the other chair on the floor looking at Jessica Alba's face stare back at me from the magazine they put in the rooms while you wait. Tick, tick, tick, its so quiet I can hear my watch tick.
3:45 pm
Still no doctor. I try looking at my book again I see it as a blur. The rooms getting stuffy. The air is barely blowing through a small slit in the ceiling. It lets out a soft whistle as the air goes through. I get restless and look at my watch and worry about the time. Will I have to call MTG to come get me out of the parking lot? That's silly I think and daydream the scenario. "Sweety, I'm stuck in a parking lot and need 2 dollars to get out." I can see MTG making fun already.
3:50 pm
I start getting jittery. I feel insane. I'm stressing over not being able to get out of the parking lot. In five more minutes I won't be able to pay. I can't help but start laughing. As soon as I do the doctor comes in. He looks at me puzzled as to why I'm laughing. I say nothing. He asks me some questions and checks out my wounds. I always feel odd when letting someone else touch me. Well actually the whole removing the shirt thing and being poked is what irks me. It's just odd. I tell him a few things bugging me and he tells me that's normal and will happen until my insides are fully recovered. Just take some pepto or tums for now he says, if it doesn't go away call me. The whole thing take exactly 3 mins.
3:55 pm
I'm getting my parking ticket validated by the receptionist. Damn!! I missed my time. I'll be over 60 mins by the time I get downstairs.
4:00 pm
I saunter out of the building and get in my car. I figure I'll plead my way out of the parking lot with $1.05 and charm the lady at the booth. I drive up and hand the lady my ticket. She scans it through without even looking at me. "Okay, that's it," she says. I guess I didn't have to pay because of the validating. I drive off, and laugh at myself for getting all worked up over nothing.
Friday, November 09, 2007
It's 16 Miles to the Promise Land
I love this song, hell the whole album is awesome. Having to go back to work is getting ever closer. The thought alone drives me insane. My boss who happens to be one of my best friends calls me everyday to see how I'm doing. Which is a good thing. Although talking to her makes me think of work and I cringe ever so slightly, when she calls.
The last time I was at work I pretty much laid the smack down on our head office manager at the head office and the owners of the company. My team was to take the fall for miss-communication on the part of the head office and sales team. All hell broke loose because sales was trying to get a deal with a major company and didn't bother letting us know that when they sent files over they wanted us to do any and everything to get them done no matter what. They promised these people the world and left it on us to handle this. What I do in real estate legal work, I guess you could say is the special ops of the business. Pardon my language but what I do is fix people's fuck ups. Be it the current homeowners, former, lenders, attorney's, you name it. Even so there are limits as to what I can legally do to fix these problems, without resorting to things best left unsaid.
Needless to say the company the head-office is trying to get business from, gave us (me) a file that pushed the limits of what I can do. At first I was just going to close the darn thing and tell them to bugger off and take it to court and have a judge dismiss the thing. But noticing it was from a company I've never dealt with before I took it to my manager to see what wanted to be done. Sadly after giving it to the boss it was forgotten until the company raised hell about it. We got it done with no help from the company. Fortunately I already left for sick time due to doctors appointments. But when I came back the following week for a few days head-office was really putting pressure on my team. We were to get yelled at during our team meeting, the owners and managers sitting in to have it out at my team. My team was dejected and I knew that this upcoming verbal assault would do no good. So during the meeting I stopped the managers and everyone else dead in their tracks and made them run for cover when I spoke up and placed the blame back were it needed to be. I vehemently defended my team, in effect telling the office heads that what their trying to say (as John Travolta in Get Shorty says) that they "fucked up, without sounding stupid." I said so much and so truthfully that I literally left them speechless with no refute from my words. They had no answer for my statements, and there was only silence. My team and I left the meeting feeling much better. Someone had to speak and I guess it was me. That was the last time I was at work.
I dread next week coming up. Going almost no where and doing nothing all this time recovering was giving me cabin fever. Mix Tape Girl had to work today. She got up and was getting ready for work when I woke up. We've pretty much had our one day of fall down here on Weds. I actually got to wear my leather jacket, which always make me happy. Now the humidity is back and it should be close to 90 again in the next few days. While MTG was getting ready I looked outside. It was foggy and misting. A gray and ugly morning. She was taking longer than normal to get ready. Putting on her shoes she sat on the bed then layed down backwards.
"I don't want to go to work" she said softly. "So don't, stay here with me," I replied. "I can't," she said. "Yeah you can, call in and well go do something," I told her. She looked at me and smiled and then looked up at the ceiling. "Anything?" she said. "Yeah" I mumbled. She reached for her mobile and actually called in. We slept for a while longer after that. When we woke up I made her pancakes and bacon. We sat outside and ate in the courtyard.
The fog had gone now but it was gray still. "We need to get out of here," I said. "Where to?" MTG said puzzled. "Anywhere" I said. "Ok let's go" MTG smiled and said. I added more music to my Ipod, we got in my car and we left. We drove down the road and onto the highway. I set northwest toward the hill country, to no town in particular but just to the hills. I played Rilo Kiley's "The Execution of All Things". It's one of my favorite albums. MTG and I sang almost all the songs. We then set the Ipod to random and heard songs from Sleater-Kinney, The Delfonics, and anything else. We talked and talked and laughed. The sun had come out now in the afternoon. The cold of the week long gone and the heat already coming back in.
I told MTG of my plans to start my own business. Doing what I do on a different level and answering to myself. Making the plans for my brother to join me in it as he has real-estate background too. I've already purchased the equipment to do it. I just need that little "Umph" to get me going. We talked and talked and talked. The hills were beautiful surrounding us. Driving through the back roads and little valleys. After heading west for a while I turned back northeast and we ended up in Austin in the evening. We stopped and ate at a restaurant my dad used to take us to when we lived there. We did the 6th Street thing after parking downtown. We stopped at Waterloo records and picked up some new music, and then got ice cream at Amy's. MTG bought some new sunglasses and a dancing chilli pepper that dances to "Feelin' Hot Hot Hot". We drove around Austin a little bit more seeing the places I lived at, in my ever moving gypsy life. We finally headed back south on I-35 around 8 pm. We listened to Rilo Kiley again. Putting "With Arms Outstretched" on continuous play-back for half the way back home, MTG and I singing every time:
"its 16 miles to the promised land
and i promise you i'm doing the best i can
now somedays they last longer than others
but this day by the lake went to fast
and if you want me, you better speak up i won't wait
so you better move fast
and somedays they last longer than others
but this day by the lake went to fast
and if you want me, you better speak up i wont wait
so you better move fast"
Sunday, November 04, 2007
It's 4 o'clock in the morning and its starting to let light
I went to bed around 11 pm last night. I took my pain meds before hand. At first they worked and I slept for about an hour. Then I woke up, and was wide awake. Now in order for me to sleep, I have to sleep laying on my belly, which is pretty much impossible for me to do right now. I cannot sleep on my back AT ALL. I feel so off and it just...I can't get comfortable. On my side is ok, but only for a little while, then I end up on my belly. Unfortunately I already pulled off a terry-strip by rolling over on to my belly. It hurt like hell, and took off a chunk of skin too.
So there I am laying awake. I try to close my eyes as I sleep on my back watching the ceiling fan blades turn around in the dim light of the night. MTG is sound asleep besides me. I try not to move and disturb her. I first slowly turn to my left side, doesn't work. Then to my right, nothing. I move back on my back again. I'm so uncomfortable. The two big incisions are hurting now as I'm moving my mid-section so much. I pop another pill as the pain builds. I fall asleep for about 30 mins after doing so but then have a bad dream and wake up again. The only thing I hate about the pills they give me are the bad dreams. Not nightmares, just bad dreams. When I wake up from my dream I'm on my back again, and I'm uncomfortable. MTG rolls over towards me in her sleep and puts one of her legs between mine and wraps it tight. Now I can't move at all. I stay on my back for another hour falling in and out of sleep. Waking up to bad and weird dreams. Finally MTG moves enough for me to sit up in bed. I turn around to make sure I didn't disturb her. I put on a robe she bought me to walk around the house in and head downstairs.
I turn on the night light above the stove for just a little light. I pour myself a 7-Up and take a seat on the couch. The cool leather feels wonderful on my legs. For some reason I'm extra hot too, though not running a fever or anything. I sit in the dim light drinking my 7-Up. It's now 2:30 am with the time change. I get up and move across the room and turn on the lap by the stereo. I fiddle with some CD's and find a Thelonious Monk Live in Paris CD and pop it in. I put on my huge DJ head-phones with the cord far enough to reach the kitchen. I listen as he plays "Round Midnight" and "Blue Monk" as well as some of Duke Ellington's work. The music helps calm me but I still can't sleep.
Around 2:45 am MTG comes downstairs. She doesn't turn any lights on or anything. She pours herself some water and sits next to me on the couch. I'm still wearing my headphones. She notices that they are on and gets up and unplugs them from the stereo, first lowering the volume. She then comes over to me and takes them off my head, and gives me a kiss, her lips and breath cool from her water. She straightens my hair a little and then snuggles next to me. We listen as Monk plays the piano and the band improvise notes. The only time you hear the crowd is at the end of one of his sets when they applaud.
I finish my 7-Up and drink MTG's water too. She's already fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder. I listen to Monk and look out the french doors to the courtyard with plants. The plants are a new thing MTG as done to my place. Her parents giving me a giant potted lime tree that now sits in my courtyard, along with the other plants and life that MTG has brought in with her. From the couch I can make out a few small limes in the dim night light. The courtyard has a blueish tinge to it that seems comforting. I look at the clock and realize its now 4 am. The CD finishes and the player flips to the next disc in queue, Sarah McLachlan's "Surfacing" comes on. I listen to "Building a Mystery" and make it half way through "I Love You" before I finally fall asleep.
When I wake up it's 11 am. MTG is still asleep on my shoulder. The stereo is now playing Josh Groban's "Closer" CD. It's softly playing track 5, "When You Say You Love Me". I can now clearly see all the little limes on the tree in the courtyard. MTG stirs awake when I look outside. We finish listening to the song and don't get up until its over.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Just ranting
MTG has been awesome, so nice to have someone there for you. Although I was quite mad at her this morning. She made scones this morning. The smell was wonderful. OMG you should've smelled it. I was laying in bed and the wonderful smell woke me up. Mmmmmm.... Then she came upstairs and got dressed etc., etc, and left for work. But before she left she told me she left some breakfast for me downstairs. So here I was all hungry because of the smell. Honestly I was compelled to get up and eat me a scone. The aroma was amazing, it was like on those old cartoons when you can see the smell from a pie of something and it goes into the characters nose and then turns into that hand that tells the character to come. Yeah just like that. So I got up brushed my teeth and hurried downstairs to eat me a scone. To my surprise when I got downstairs there were no scones to be seen. Nowhere, and I looked everywhere. Instead to my horror there was a pot on the stove with Cream of Wheat in it. Great Scott!!! I've been had!! When MTG called me a few minutes ago I asked her about the scones. She told me she made them for work. For work? Dammit!! Foiled again!!! Although she couldn't stop laughing at me for getting me up thinking I was going to get some scones only to find a pot of Cream of Wheat. How wretched.
On the subject of food now. I don't know what it is but when your supposed to stay away for certain food for a while, bloody hell if it doesn't want you to have it more. I could kill for a nice juicy hamburger. Hell I'll even settle for a McDonald's burger. I'm up to here with eating soups and crap. And don't even get me started on the Tofurkey that we had last night. BLeeeechhhh!!!! That is not for human consumption!!! I imagine that would be like what Soylent Green would taste like. It's people, PEOPLE!!!!
On another subject my parents convinced me that I needed to come and stay one night over so they could get a chance to look over me. Although my bedroom has been made into a storage unit. There's boxes everywhere, my mum's Tupperware stuff she does, all the baby's toys and stuff for my nephew. I had to clear out a walking space just to get to the bed. So I stayed over Weds night. I should have stayed at home. They now go to sleep at exactly 9 pm, and I don't just mean go lay down. No, no, they're completely out upon hitting the pillow. So I'm sitting by myself watching this small 20 inch telle downstairs that I really can't hear because my dad turns the volume up so loud he blew out the speakers so its a mumbled mess after the volume bar goes past 5. The morning was ok though as my mum made pancakes. Yay pancakes!! But then while I was eating, they got up and changed and said "We're going now. We won't be back till late tonight." What? You asked me to come over and now you're going out for the day? Of course all I could say was, "Ok." Oh and so I don't forget during breakie, by dad kept yelling at me to do stuff like I didn't just have surgery. Things that involved heavy lifting. "AD move that there. Reach up and get that. Get the laundry for me." It's probably not quite right but to imagine my dad just think of Charlie's dad on "So I Married and Axe Murderer," only without the Scottish accent.
Well I think I'm done ranting. As I'm alone I just might sneak out and get me a burger. Mmmmm...yes burger. Muaahahahahahahahaha!!! (evil laugh) Oh one more thing. As if watching the telle wasn't bad enough I started watching the Home Shopping network. Which convinced me that I needed a few things that I didn't. Do I really need this vacuum machine that sucks the air out of bags for easy storage? Among some other things. Oh and I bought a new computer from Dell. Which I already setup. It's awesome. Yay!! I ordered a new telle for my bedroom too. But don't order a telle from Dell, here's why. They don't keep the telle's in stock and they have to order them. The expected shipment date isn't till 12/15/07 with the deliver date being the day before X-mas. Dammit again!! I'm thinking of canceling and ordering me a new laptop instead. At least I can get that before the end of the week. Honestly I ordered that telle last week and it'll be over a month and a half to get it. I should have just gone to the store and bought one before hand. Sigh* Maybe I still will.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
More whatnot
Breakfast always tastes better in the country.
Especially if any part of it is applewood smoked.
Your wife is pregnant, not "preggers" or "pregs." (This I learned from watching grown men on daytime telle on TLC)
Umpires will never call or resume a game that has been delayed by rain until you have driven exactly 3.2 miles from the stadium.
When lending a friend a DVD or CD, it is always best to make sure the disc is in it's case.
Deduct 10 points from the friend meter if it isn't.
The "Dave" DVD was not in it's case. -10 pts <---That's for you "R"
If your tattoo's design comes out of a well-thumbed catalog with a three-digit number beside it, there's a pretty good chance you're not the wild man you think you are.
Come to think of it, winter deserves shortened Fridays just as much as summer does.
No one will ever be as impressed with your collection of sports memorabilia as you are.
Cordless phones always disappoint eventually.
Letting it go to voice mail is overrated. Just answer the phone and take care of business.
A PBS tote bag does not make you an intellectual.
Mail with windows is never good.If your dream involves an elaborate scheme to urinate, get up and take a pee.
The best villains have accents and walk slowly.
You don't pay cash at the dentist.
The phrase "assume the position" should be avoided on the first date.
Beware of restaurants that have walls adorned with anchors.
Avoid any doctor whose middle name appears in quotes.
Aspire to be the kind of person you've convinced your grandparents you already are.
You are twice as likely to get lost using GPS as you are with a paper map.
The last slice of pie is the tastiest.
If you can't make it good, make it big. And if you can't make it big, make it red.
During the time one is standing above the midget urinal, one is precisely two thirds of a man.
No bioweapons jokes in the cover letter.
Be wary the man who shakes your hand while remaining in his seat.
Restaurants that demand that you call them to confirm are 73 percent more likely to have haughty servers.
Wearing a trash-bag poncho is actually worse than getting wet.
It's never a good idea to eat an egg-salad sandwich on public transportation.
Desperate housewives don't look like that.
You gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em and when to stop quoting Kenny Rogers during poker games.
The house blend is always hotter than the flavored coffee.
Avoid any restaurant where the daily specials are displayed by way of plastic replicas.
A man should never own more than two pairs of convertible pants.
Flame decals do not fool passersby into thinking your car is "hot."
There is no shame in using Western utensils for Eastern cuisine.
After three drinks, before you yell, throw, or type anything, stop for a few seconds and think about just what it is you're up to.
Any medical condition is made less terrifying if you place "the ol' " before it: "the ol' cancer," "the ol' pneumonia," "the ol' herpes," "the ol' gall-bladder."
In ascending order of viscosity: ointment, balm, salve, unguent.
In ascending order of funniness: balm, ointment, unguent, salve.
Nothing good can come from arguing with an old woman.
The calla lily is the best flower.
Roses? Please.
There is an exactly 2 percent chance that you will be seated next to a beautiful single woman on your next flight.
Less if you're flying first class. Then again, who cares--it's first class.
Be wary of trusting another man's assistant.If your goal is to see a beautiful woman on television, look no further than the Spanish-language networks.
The top three inventions of the last hundred years: Internet, television, breath strip.
There is no masculine way to carry a squash racket.
People will forgive a well-dressed man anything.
Men who complain about wearing tuxedos are twice as likely to have a black-tie wedding.
You can't go wrong with a white oxford shirt.
Only after the host has removed his jacket or tie can you follow suit.
The same does not apply for shoes or shirts. Those stay on.
If you feel uncomfortable, you look uncomfortable.
It is always better to be slightly overdressed than slightly underdressed.
What the hell happened to Sesame Street?When you're sick and even the Price is Right is not playing, you know it's going to be one of those weeks.
Invariably when you have surgery, said surgery will not allow you to sleep the way that is most comfortable.
Can you tell I'm rather bored?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
You want how much????!!!!!!
"But why? Isn't my insurance paying for this?" I ask. "Most of it" she answers. She tells me all the business mumbo jumbo and insurance stuff that I don't understand as to why the additional $500 is needed. Which after I sit there and process it through actually reading all the registration documents pretty much amounts to the insurance paying jack for my stay and only paying for most of the surgery. I begrudgingly give the lady behind the admissions desk my bank card and she quickly and every so painfully deducts $600 from my bank account. I know feel sicker than if it were just my gall-bladder.
"I know it sucks" she tells me. "Tell me about it" I reply. "Used to be hospitals took care of their patients first and then worried about getting paid later. Now you can't even get into one without making what amounts to a down-payment on an apartment." I say out kinda loud. The older lady sitting behind me in the waiting room yells out, "Damn straight!!!" "I hear that" says another gentleman.
I finish filling out my paperwork and provide them with my power of attorney just in case something happens and I can't make decisions for myself. I recently updated this to include MTG just in case my parents aren't available to do this. After I leave the outpatient center I go to the doctors office to pay him his piece of the pie. Which I don't have a problem with, in fact I expected that. The girl there goes over everything I need to do Sunday night to get ready for the surgery. I thank her and start to head out. "Hey!!" she yells out. "Yeah?" I answer. "Wait let me validate your parking pass." I hand her the parking pass for her to stamp it. "Now you won't have to pay the parking garage fee." she says kindly. "Thanks a bunch." I say.
Surgery may be a bitch. But what's worse the the co-pays and lousy insurance coverage. BLUE CROSS BLUE SHEILD YOU SUCK!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Blah, blah,blah
The building that the men's clothing store is in is new. They used to be in an old section of the mall across the street, but they finally moved into their own building. I've been coming here for quite sometime now. I usually buy all my formal and work wear from here. Just about everything I buy is tailored and since I basically wear suits all week long I pay a higher price for quality, but I'm content in the knowledge that these clothes will last 5 times longer than anything I buy at retail stores. I like the new store, its wide and bright and opened. No longer stuffy and old like it was in the mall. The same people work here. There's rows of fabric on the far walls, and suits that are pre-made you can get hanging there too, or you can have then hand made which I prefer. They still sell pre-made clothes but their not brands you can find at regular department stores. Well maybe Neman Marcus or Dillards. They have a large sitting area now that you can wait in as the salesmen and tailors wait on you hand and foot. You sit there in front of a giant plasma telle drinking anything you can ask for. Soda, water, tea, coffee, latte, a nice scotch, whiskey, jack and coke. And its all free. Well...actually I suppose it's a little to spend on customers on drinks and snacks, when you're there your probably going to at least spend no less than $1,000 bucks.
I had to get a new white dress shirt, as I pretty much completely destroyed my last one. And I only had it for 3 months. Stupid me I left a piece of chewing gum in my front shirt pocket. I didn't want to take the whole package of gum with me so I just put a single piece in my pocket. But I forgot about it and then washed the shirt, and put it in the dryer. Well basically the washer chewed the gum for me in the pocket and the dryer cemented it into the fabric. In other words it ain't coming out. Now my once favorite white dress shirt is now worn by MTG around the house as rumpus wear. I mean really it just looks like a stain on the pocket but damn it when you spend $140 bucks on a shirt cut only for you it hurts when you realized that it's your fault you messed it up.
So here I stand arms up being re-measured. I figure since I'm here I might as well go the whole nine yards and get a couple of white shirts and a couple more in different colours. As well as a new suit. After we finish the measuring the tailor takes me to decide on the fabric. The white is easy, but the style of fabric takes some mulling over. However the other two shirts takes at least an hour for me to decide on, as I try to decide the colour, if it should be solid, striped, texture. I finally decide on one deep burgundy red, and one blue with thin yellow stripes. Then I have to decide the style of cuffs, the collar style, buttons. It's a long process. And that's just the shirts.
I have time to waste right now as my surgery isn't scheduled till Monday morning. Seeing as I have plenty of time off, I decided to get this done. Besides I know they'll be done before I even have to go back to work. Well the shirts will anyways.
MTG seems to really like this place. I wonder why? Me thinks the drinks and M&M's. I had to get out of the house as I was getting buggy from being in doors all day and since the weather is finally nice enough to go out and about in. I still kinda upset though that I have to wait till Monday for surgery. But I'd rather wait and have the same doctor who worked on me last time, work on me again. He is very good. But I must say the pain gets a little worse everyday. I have more tests I have to take tomorrow. How much blood do they need to analyze? My arm is going to be a giant purple lump from all the needles that have been going in it.
Oh well better safe then sorry. MTG helps me pick out a few ties, and I pay and we leave. I just spent a good amount of cash and it feels weird paying that amount and walking out with a small bag of ties and collar stays and handkerchiefs. Well by this time next week my shirts should be done. I just need to remember not to put gum in my pocket again. Stupid, stupid stupid.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Count-down to Infinite Crisis
So here I sit typing away looking at the clock. MTG isn't here tonight. I actually spent the last couple of nights at my parents house at the bequest of my parents. Although I had to come home today. I can only take watching so much TVLand with my father and then switching to CourtTV for Cops re-runs. And of course the 9 o'clock bedtime too. But still it's nice to have your parents doting on you. Well, not really but at least their there.
MTG has been doting on me though. But not today. Tomorrow her dad goes in to the hospital to have a stint put into his heart. This is the prelude to the open heart surgery he has yet to have scheduled. But it won't be that far away now. But I don't mind when its your parents you have to stay home to help.
However sitting here watching television. (I am actually watching the telle. I never watch the telle. OMG what utter crap is on. Honestly how can one watch these shows?) While spacing out on my pills, it occurs to me. I gave someone today the go ahead to cut me open and take parts of me out. Someone is literally going to put things inside of me. Do truly trust this person? Maybe? This doctor did to a great job of taking out my tumors a few years back. But a icky sinking feeling is coming over me, and I actually feel scared. Of what I'm not sure, but I do. This is a complete 360 from how I felt earlier today, when talking to the surgeon. Take it out? No problem, go ahead. Telling my dad ever so casually that I was going to have surgery. Telling MTG. But now, now I'm not so sure.
Not that I'm not going to go through with it. I am, knowing that I will feel so much better afterwards but still. Still there just that little inkling of uncertainty that creeps ever so slowing and softly on me.
I should get some rest now. I'll need it since I'll probably be in the waiting room with MTG all day tomorrow.
Monday, October 15, 2007
What the?
Huh? What the? Why do they make you cough? What are they doing to me to make me cough? Why the stop taking them immediately if they make me cough?
Me thinks I don't want to take these pills.
Would you stop it, I'm not gonna die
Me: We don't know that yet. I'll know tomorrow after they take some tests. It doesn't hurt that bad anymore anyways.
Dad: No. You were in pain and I know now that you have to have surgery.
Me: Just be patient we'll see.
Dad: And you know what happens in surgery? People die that's what happens!!
Me: Well thanks for the encouraging thoughts dad. That's just what I wanted to hear.
Mum in the meantime is shaking her head at my fathers over-reacting. Hopping about with anxiety when I'm the one in pain. Oh did I mention that I might have to have surgery? If not then I probably am. But I'm hoping not, maybe they can fix me with pills or something. We shall see. I might have to have my gall-bladder taken out. Yikes. Blasted thing been bugging me for quite some time now. But we shall see.
Asides from my dad's freaking out MTG calls to check on my every 15 minutes or so. Are you alright? Do you need anything? I'm off in an hour, I'll be there soon. Do you have something to drink? Do you want a Sprite? A book? etc, etc. I tell her I'm fine but she worries herself silly over me.
Not really much to go over this weekend. I was pretty much out of it and slept almost the whole time. Although MTG scared the hell out of me on Saturday night. Apparently her folks had invited company over, and as it was late gave them her room and her sisters room to stay in. So imagine when MTG and sis got home there was someone sleeping in their beds. Needless to say they couldn't sleep on their couch as they were too lumpy. So in the middle of the night MTG and her sis come over to stay at my place. Seeing as I was sound asleep, imagine my surprise when rolling to the other side of my bed, I find someone there with me as well. Nearly falling out of my bed I finally realized it was MTG. Scared the crap out of me. Her sis was in the sofa bed downstairs. I was too out of it to notice. (The pain pills knocked me out)
The next morning I was thinking that MTG's dad was going to be pissed that they left in the middle of the night to come stay at my place. But this is not so as MTG tells me. Apparently now I am family at their house. Her parents (i.e.: Dad) going to sleep while I'm there, being able to go over whenever without them cleaning the entire house for company, and a few other things. Her mum and dad told her I am family know. Which I'm not quite sure what to make of it. So her dad blowing me off was his way of accepting me? Okay...yeah that makes sense. But I'll take it none the less.
Pretty much my weekend was me going out for a little bit to run errands and then coming home early and sleeping the pain away. Culminating in todays utter painful breakdown, which I finally left work early and went to the doctors, at my mums bequest. We went to a doctor she works with and he was nice. He gave me a quick once over and seeing as my mum had already diagnosed me schedule me for a series of tests and ultra-sounds tomorrow to check my gall-bladder. And I hate blood work. Ick!! I hate needles!!! Blaaahh!!! Tomorrow's going to suck goats I know it. However MTG has taken the day off to take me here and there, so that should be something. At least I'll have someone nice to smile oddly at while I try not to pass out from the needle pulling blood from my arm.
Curse you gall-bladder!!! Here I am eating right, exercising, being all around good to you and this is how you repay me. I know it's you gall-bladder, you broke my heart. If I'm good to you, you screw me, when I'm bad to you, you screw me. When I'm indifferent to you, you screw me. I cast thee out of thy body, you rotten excuse for a body part. You making me hate you only makes me more powerful, gives me focus. Ok I'm getting carried away there.
Hope you all had a better weekend then my crappy one. Here's to hoping I don't have to have surgery.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
What? It's not supposed to rain!! What gives?
I'm looking out the window on my staircase into my small courtyard outside. The rain is pouring. I just got home and wanted to go for a jog. I guess not today. And I got all dressed up to go jogging for nothing. The trail at the park I've been going to is probably a big mud slide by now. Oh well.
I'll use this time for blogging, which I am sorry that I haven't been updating lately. Well life happens and things take away your time. But it'll just be a quick overview as I know think of the package of ground sirloin in my fridge that's been there a few days and I better cook it before it spoils.
First off some idiots keep bloody calling my mobile. I've told them they have the wrong number, but they won't listen. I'm tempted to put their phone number out on the web and let the pranksters have at it, if they don't stop. It's some stupid lady and some guy looking for some girl. As the last text message I got from them says: "Hey crazy gurl. Wake up. Want 2 no if you want 2 take us to the store. Lalo Y Sandra, Siempre Amor". I talked to the lady first cause she's the one that kept calling at first. I told her she had the wrong number, she seemed to understand. Then I'm guessing Lalo tried calling. He sounded like a complete idiot.
Lalo: "Hey gurl, what's up?"
Me: You have the wrong number, stop calling me.
Lalo: What, who are you? I don't have the wrong number.
Me: Yeah you do.
Lalo: No ah don't. Hold up. (yells to some lady in background) Aye!! What's up with this number? Some dude keeps answering. (lady responds that they have the wrong number) Oh
Me: I hang up.
They stopped for a few days but Lalo is at it again. Stupid idiot. I've a good mind to reverse address his number and get his address and put it on the net. The internet can be a wonderful thing.
Anyways on to other things.
MTG Dad: Hey how soon can AD get over here for food?
MTG: What?
MTG Dad: Do you think he wants to come over? He lives nearby right?
MTG: Yeah...(surprised he's asking about me)...uh yeah he does.
MTG Dad: Call him and ask him over. I've BBQ'd too much meat.
MTG: (Still in shock) Ok..
Now I know this probably doesn't seem like much but this is actually a huge deal. MTG's dad actually asking about me. Me. I repeat again, ME. I've thought he hated me, after all he did try to kill me with his atomic pickle. In fact I was just there the night before and he practically ignored me the whole time before he went to bed. Which I got used to, but for him to ask about me and want me to come over was a huge thing for me. MTG too. Needless to say when she told me: "Dad wants you to come over for dinner." I didn't say no, even though I was no where near home. And he actually talked to me. Seriously he did. Nothing spectacular just guy stuff. But he talked to me without interrogating me or giving me the evil eye. I feel so accepted, but in the back of my head I can't help but think that maybe he poisoned my food or has some diabolical plan for me ahead. But I'm choosing to think for the best.
I actually threw a small party this past weekend too. I would have so loved for some of you all to come. But alas we don't live near each other so I could not. I made Chicken Parmesan, the first time I've ever tried it and it came out pretty good. We ended up watching The Prestige, (awesome movie) while most of my friends were there. MTG went home to pick up her sister and change. She was also going to make a cake (well she made the batter and brought it with her to cook in my oven.) a rum cake, but she didn't have rum so she brought amaretto with her instead. It came out wonderful. And when she came back she dressed in something well....lets just say it was just for me. Ok if you're curious it was like this pic of J. Lo from Esquire, but with not that big a bottom, but an even prettier face.

Now for the scary screwed up part of that happened. I went home to visit my parents. When I got there my dad was about to wash his oversized land yacht of a van he has. I hate that thing and hate driving it even more. Anyways when I pulled up I decided to wash it for him along with wash my car while I was at it. So I did. I washed he rinsed off and dried his van. I detailed my car. All was good. We finished and my mum wanted to go to the store so I took her in my car. We were there for a good hour or so. It was a good morning, and then went back home, thinking everything was fine.
We get home and go in through the garage door. Everything seemed fine, my dad was probably inside already as all the stuff to clean the cars was already put up. I opened the garage door and stepped into the kitchen. Taking a few steps in I notice something on the floor. It's my dad. At first I thought that he was doing something from the way he was positioned. Like spraying for bugs which he does often, on his stomach looking under the couch. Then I noticed the dinner table pushed halfway against the wall in a random way and a chair flipped upside down and broken. I dropped the grocery bags and ran toward him.
AD: Dad!!! (I scream)
No response.
AD: (again I yell) Dad!!!
By this time my mum has walked in the door.
I touch my dad's back as he's lying face first on the ground a little blood coming from his mouth. At first nothing and then he moves a little.
AD: Call an ambulance.
Dad: No. Leave me. In God's name, leave me.
AD: No, you need help.
Dad: I'm ok. My muscles just stopped working again and I fell.
AD: I think you should get checked out.
Dad: There's nothing that can be done. I'll get up on my own, don't touch, it hurts too much.
My father suffers from post-polio syndrome. Every year I watch as it makes him weaker and takes away more of his life. It's not a good thing to see. This disease which eats away the muscle and nerves, renders my dad incapacitated at times. His legs/lower half of his body will simply seize up and he'll fall to the ground. As much as you want to help him there is nothing anything in medicine can do other than pain killers. And it limits him but he will never admit this, he will never stop. At times his whole body will seize up in a big muscle spasm, leaving him unable to move. And all you can do is watch and wait till it passes. It's not fun when you find him lying there unable to move.
I move aside as my mum gets a chair for him to sit on. Slowly he moves and picks himself up. Any touch to his body would send his muscles into another shock so I cannot help him, I can only watch as he slowly recovers himself. He finally stands and dusts himself off, wiping off the blood from his busted lip with his handkerchief. He sits down at the table which my mum has put back in place and tells me he'll be alright. All I can do is believe him. When I leave I tell my mum to let me know if she has to take him to the doctor. I know she will. A few days later my mum calls to check on me and tells me my dad's out to the store, so I know he's ok.
And thus is a quick recap of this past week and weekend. I'll write a few more things that happened later but I must start cooking that ground beef now before I get too lazy and forget. Although I'm not hungry in the least.
Monday, October 08, 2007
And in this moment...
I was going to write a post about the events of this past week. I was going to......... but I don't know how. I don't know the right words to describe what's happened and how I feel. I wish I did. I hope that the words come to me in my sleep. If they do I will share them with you. So much has happened. And in this moment..I am happy.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Here we are now entertain us...
Anyways, I'm thinking up of a little game to play with my fellow music lovers out there. Basically what song did this line come from sort of thing. So here is the first go at it:
Where does this line come from?
"Christ you know it ain't easy, you know how hard it can be, the way things are going, their gonna crucify me."
Here's the twist, in order to answer this you must give me the song title, name of the artist/group/band, album it came from and date it came out.
What you didn't think I would make this easy did ya? Muahahahahahaha!!!! (evil laugh) But you cannot cheat. Repeat you cheat you're disqualified. That means no Googling, Yahoo, MSN, or whatever the above lyrics to find where it came from. You either know or you dig through your own music collection to find out.
Of course I wouldn't make you do all that work for nothing. I'm thinking a personal mix tape as a prize. You choose the mood of the music you want to listen to, and I'll make it for you. How's that? Sound good? Splendid.
Now on to other things that made my day. I signed up for emusic's, ebooks. I loved it. At first I wasn't going to get the book thing, but I checked and they had "Love Is a Mix Tape" on it and so I couldn't resist. And Rob Sheffield himself narrates it. Joy of joys!!! Oh and they also have a few other books that I love too that I plan to download. This is great for jogs and the conundrum of what to listen to at work. Sad to say crazy lady at work was playing her sad bastard country music again at work today. Even Pterodactyl Lady agreed that it was too early in the week for sad bastard music. Grrrrrr..and she had it cranked too. I like country but you can only take so much. I swear I'm going to disable her sound card if she doesn't stop. >:{
PS: I still can't remember what I was originally going to write about but oh well.
Monday, October 01, 2007
I see you
Kids say the darndest things, & Today's Hymn is "Light My Fire"
K: Do you dream?
Me: Yes
K: What about?
Me: I dunno, stuff.
K: Do you dream about your girlfriend?
Me: (looks blankly and surprised) Wha...?
K: Girls do you dream about girls?
Me: Uh..sometimes......(trying not to laugh)
B: (Who is K's older brother, he's 9) Tell him about your dream, I dare you.
K: Nah..
B: Do it
Me: You have to tell me now, I'm curious.
K: (Blushes)
B: He dreams about girls
Me: Is that so
K: (giggling) Yeah
Me: Tell, tell, tell
K: No way
Me: Aww..come on don't hold out on me.
B: Yeah K do it. Stop being chicken
K: Nah
B & Me: Tell, Tell, Tell!!!
K: Alright,,geeze
B: This is funny
Me: Ok go
K: I had this dream that I was taking about bath with 4 girls from my class
Me: (horrified look on my face, but trying not to bust out laughing)
B: Were you naked?
K: Well duh, we were taking a bath
B: Hah, hah, you like girls.
Me: What the? Were did this come from?
K: I dunno
Me: Yeah, I honestly don't know what to say to that
B: He has like 4 girlfriends in class
Me: What???
K: I cut back I had six
Me: (Blank stare)
Me: (after regaining memory) Uh...lets play on the Playstation instead ok guys
B & K: Yeahhh!!!!
Those wacky kids. I need to have a talk with their dad about K. He's turning into a little casanova.
I visited with my dad this weekend before going to a party with MTG. Though I thought that my mum would be home too. But she was at work. I took my dad to Wal-Mart to get some things. On the way there, Jose Feliciano's version of "Light My Fire" came on, and my dad couldn't help but sing along.
Dad: I love this song.
Me: I know
Dad: Light my fire, light my fire, light my fire (imitating Jose)
Me: (giggling)
Dad: What's so funny?
Me: You don't remember do you?
Dad: Remember what?
Me: A long time ago at church, we got up to sing a hymn. And I guess you were bored or not paying attention or whatever. Half-way through the hymn, you were singing, "Light my fire, Light my Fire, Light My Fire"
Dad: I did?
Me: Yes remember? Mum and I were laughing so hard we were crying, and we had to leave during the middle of the thing cause we couldn't stop laughing. And you didn't even realize you were saying "Light My Fire".
Dad: Oh yeah...I remember now. Vaguely
Me: Vaguely? We've never been back to church since. That was like 13 years ago.
Dad: Shhh...Jose's on.
Thus this is probably why I haven't been to church in ages. God forbid I show up and insult the Almighty by singing Doors tunes, or some other band while there.
Oh, I went to a party this weekend too. A graduation party for a guy I can't stand. It sucked. The end.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Come pick up you mail!! I'm going for a walk.
Chuck: (My nickname for my brother) I'll pick them up when I get a chance to stop by.
Me: It's still the student loan people.
Chuck: I know.
Me: You'd think there'd be a statute of limitation on how long they keep asking for their money back until they realize that their never going to get anything back. Honestly you should've robbed a bank, sure you would've been caught but at least you'd already been done serving your time and not have to worry about paying it back.
Chuck: You're crazy.
Me: Yeah well anyways, come pick up your bills they're pilling up.
Chuck: Remember when they would call at mom and dads?
Me: Yep.
Chuck: That was funny when you told that lady, "He doesn't live here anymore. As far as I know the bum up and moved to Mexico with his girlfriend. If you guys find him let me know cause that no good bastard owes me $1,200 bucks too."
Me: And you still do.
Chuck: Shut up.
Me: Come pick up your mail.
This playlist:
Space Oddity : David Bowie
Virtual Insanity: Jamiroquai
Call Me (Come Back Home) : Al Greene
December 4th: Jay-Z
Dig a Pony: The Beatles
It's Electric: Metallica
Keep the Car Running: Arcade Fire
Let's Push Things Forward: The Streets
Look on the Floor (Hypnotic Tango Mix): Bananarama
Mongrel Meets His Maker : I forget what DJ does this one.
Monkey Wrench: Foo Fighters
Take It Off: The Donnas
We Used to be Friends : The Dandy Warhol's
Across the Universe : The Beatles
Ch-Check It Out: The Beasties Boys
Da Funk: Daft Punk
Light My Fire: The Doors
Manic Monday: The Bangles
Nookie: Limp Bizkit
Remember: Groove Armada
Take Me Out: Franz Ferdinand
Acid Raindrops: People Under the Stairs
Tiny Dancer: Elton John
Thus these songs were the mix that I jogged to today. I've felt bad that I haven't went jogging in well over a week. Ever since I moved to my new place I've found it difficult to find a place to go out and jog. The guarded neighborhood I'm in is far too small to get a decent run in. And the main road that my street leads out to is way too busy to run properly on. Plus the sidewalk ends about halfway down the road so you end up running on uneven rocky terrain. I can see the sprained ankle now. So after work I came home changed and felt the need to do some running and thinking. But where? There is a track at University Hospital opened to the public that's huge. But there's always so many people there and I want to walk alone. Besides it's not all that close. There's a community park that I came across while driving around a figuring out where everything is at. There are also a few schools very close by too, that I thought might have tracks as well. Well the schools didn't, well one did but it was locked up. What ever happened to the days when you could go to the school after it was closed and used the tracks or the outside basketball posts? A thing of the past I guess.
I finally made my way to the park. It's not too far from where I live. There was relatively no one there. Most of the people there were with their very small children at the playground. I parked my car and got out. They it's a small park but their nature trail was nice and orderly and far less jagged than the main road I tried to run on last week. I got off and there were two people and what I suppose was a teacher doing some Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Yoga type thing in a empty part of the park. I watched them for a minute as I turned on my Nano and found a suitable place to start listening to. The trail is probably less than a mile long, thus I jogged it about 10 times in a row to get a decent run in.
My bad mood that I've been in most of the week pretty much went away with this run. The nice breeze and the nature trail was nice and calming, plus absolutely no one was around. I let my mind wander. I let David Bowie's Major Tom take me into space. I let myself get funky with Jamiroquai. I let myself tell it how it is like Jay-Z's, December 4th. I almost skipped along to Bananarama's, Look on the Floor. I let John Lennon's words transport me to another place, Across the Universe. I chilled to memories with Groove Armada's, Remember. I got uber chilled with People Under the Stairs, pot smoking song Acid Raindrops. And I let Elton John's, Tiny Dancer hold me a little bit closer.
I thought about my visit to my parents this past weekend. I noticed that we as a family have never been one to have pictures of ourselves anywhere. The last real picture that I took of myself on purpose was about 4 years ago when my older brother got a coupon to take pictures of ourselves at Sears for free. We did this to give as an anniversary gift to my parents. Other than that there's little or any current pictures of me or anyone else in my family framed. However there are now tons of pictures of my nephew (the 1st grand-baby) on the mantel, walls and bedrooms of my parents house. I browsed them all at while I was there. On the bookshelf, I found wedged between two books the program thingy for my God-mother's funeral. The picture of her and my Godfather on it at their 60th Anniversary. They looked so happy together. It's going to almost be a year now that she passed away. The last time I talked to my Godfather, he was only a shadow of the man he once was without her. "They took away my drivers license", he told me. "They're taking it all away. Don't get old". With out grandma, he has trouble doing anything. She was his life, and without her he's slowly fading away. He hasn't moved or changed much of grandma's things since she died at their house. It's still there, just in case she comes back looking for her things, is what he tells me.
I see the sun shining through the trees as I jog through and around them. Fireflies throwing glimpses of themselves as the night starts to set in. A couple are now at one of the park benches in the far corners making out. The Tai Chi people are there but there are a few more of them now. I notice that as the songs progress on my Nano that these are some of MTG's songs. Slowly but surely integrating her music in with mine. I think for a moment that some how I have a closet at home now that has her stuff in it, though we don't actually live together. Maybe I found my Renee? My Tiny Dancer.....
Sorry I got mushy there. Nuts... ;)